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Fotune Teller Papiroflexia Origami Comecocos
Infinite Paper Papiroflexia Origami
Stor Telling Badge Papiroflexia Origami
CUBE_BADGE Papioflexia Origami



In this part of the website we will investigate different ways to use highly attractive origami figures to generate powerful learning tools and toys made by kids. All of the creations in this section boost children's creativity un an extraordinary fashion. These toys and activities can be used for reviewing a subject, playing with curricular content or even just exploring and building one's creative capacity.

Some ideas for projects:

  • ​Interactive story telling through which students manipulate origami figures.


  • Create a personalized set of story cubes (dice with words or pictures on them. When rolled, players must take turns using the elements showing on the dice to create a story.)


  • Create a Boggle game (A game of dice with letters on the faces. Players must make words by connecting the letters of adjacent dice)

  • Create a personalized moving scrap book. 

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